A friend loaned me - no, pushed on me is more accurate - Twilight just about a month ago. I'm addicted. It's a series of 4 books and I have bought the others and have read 2 & 3 now. Christmas time is NOT a good time to be so involved with a reading addiction. I think I may begin the 4th one tonight.
Went to a wonderful party Friday night. Friends decided to have a wine dinner, matching foods to the wines. They did a wonderful job! We had some excellent wines, excellent foods, and an excellent time. That says 'honor roll' to me! I loved the soup so much (Thai coconut milk and chicken...yum, yum!)that I went to a Thai restaurant they recommended last night and ordered that soup. Laura's was better, but the restaurant's was a very close second. The owner is so sweet. I may take her cooking class next month. She shuts the restaurant down for the weekend and has a large buffet and teaches how to make various items on the buffet.
I wrapped gifts this weekend and worked on a commission that I shouldn't have taken on so close to Christmas. It's finished now and is the picture posted here...almost as wide as my card table.