Saturday, June 06, 2009

Here a Chick, There a Chick Portland Pix 1

I cannot begin to tell the saga of my Portland trip in words. It was unbelievable. I will attempt instead to tell it in photo images. First up is a photo of Beth and Andrea at the first winery we toured, J K Carriere in Newburgh OR. Next is a photo of the soulmate artist and new friend we made, Kathy Forster - who very appropriately lives near the Lawrence Gallery, home to some fabulous pieces of art by regional artists. Kathy's spectacular Golden Chain tree, her rooster (I call him "Mr. Big Stuff") and his hens, her lovely little potting shed and the fantastic field of white clover (looking like a snow covered field) that she told us she'd only seen this year on our route to the coast round out this first batch of photos. If a picture is really worth a thousand words, you can consider this 7000+.

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