Thursday, June 11, 2009

Newport Beach at Negative Low Tide...-2.8!

Ranger Guy lived above the beach (a difficult climb, but he'd climbed down the rocky face to view the negative low tide) and we were lucky to run into him at a tide pool. He pointed out some of the varied critters to us and named the seabirds (orange billed cormorant was one I'd never seen) and generally made me think that he and my brother Roger would have been great friends if they had met. These pix are of Guy naming the creatures normally hidden from view; a mix of creatures attached to rocks - starfish and anemone to name two; the operable one of two lighthouses at Newport Beach; and another view of the starfish clinging to rocks.

Crabs, crabs, we got crabs! Actually, I snapped shots of three types of crab on Newport Beach. Ranger Guy is holding a tiny hermit crab in one shot, the pretty peachy colored one is a dungeness crab and the dark one is unknown to me...I thought it was a horseshoe crab, but Roger said it's not...and I trust his knowledge. Guy was gone when I saw this critter.

Couldn't not show Patrick...the pretty solo starfish.

What a treat it was to see the Pacific Ocean at Newport Beach OR at a negative low tide of -2.8. I had never even heard of a negative low tide, but I knew it was something special!

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